1. Rolf Orthel - Nederlands Film Festival
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Overzicht van personen in de Nederlandse filmsector op filmfestival.nl
2. Rolf Orthel Korte notitie - Jean-Luc Godard 1960-1980, Raster ... - DBNL
Op deze pagina lees je de tekst 'Raster. Nieuwe reeks. Jaargang 1981 (nrs. 17-20)'
3. Rolf Orthel - IFFR EN
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Join a group of curious and connected film enthusiasts. Make independent film, new insights and inspiration accessible to everyone.
4. [PDF] Bert Haanstra : filmer van Nederland
8 sep 2009 · Rolf Orthel had bericht ontvangen over een familielid dat ernstig ziek was, wist een lift met een marinevliegtuig te krijgen en was via wat ...
5. SHANGHAI RUMBA FROM CUBA by Henri Plaat @ Brooklyn Film Festival
"Shanghai Rumba from Cuba" is a major link in the work of filmmaker and artist Henri Plaat (Amsterdam 1936), who made about forty short films.
Cast & Crew, Contact Info - Synopsis: "Shanghai Rumba from Cuba" is a major link in the work of filmmaker and artist Henri Plaat (Amsterdam 1936), who made about forty short films. The
6. Maken is het mooist | Eye Filmmuseum
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See AlsoGun Show DelandIn zijn zeer persoonlijke en essayische film onderzoekt Rolf Orthel het creatieve maakproces. Hij volgt musici, kunstenaars en acteurs: wat verbindt hen met hun werk, wat zoeken ze, hoe gaan ze te werk? Hoe is hij eigenlijk zelf tot maken gekomen?
7. Marlies Koster posted on LinkedIn
... Rolf Orthel gaat in de film op indringende wijze ... 4mo. Report this post; Close menu. The winner of the 1000 Miglia 2024 Team Villa Trasqua - car 48!: Andrea ...
Marlies Koster posted a video on LinkedIn
8. Leidsch Dagblad | 17 april 1982 | pagina 5 - Historische Kranten ...
Sce nario: Kees Hin en K. Schip pers. Produktie: Rolf Orthel en Rens Oomens. ... New Mexico te werken aan de bouw van de atoombom ... De eerlijke vulgariteit van de ...
9. Rolf Orthel met foto - SNG Film
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Rolf Orthel met foto
10. Leidse Courant | 10 april 1985 | pagina 15 - Historische Kranten ...
... car rière in de popmuziek in zijn geboorteland Canada. ... Speciaal hier- i r maakten de filmers Kees en Rolf Orthel ... New York. Kojak gelooft niet dat het ...
Roger Car- dinal sc. Roger Cardinal, Avrum ... with New World Pictures. Shooting schedule. TBA ... Rolf Orthel co-po Chris Zimmer d. Heddy Honigmann ...
12. Looking for Horses (2021) directed by Stefan Pavlović ... - Letterboxd
Eyal Sivan Koštana Banović Rolf Orthel. Writer ... Bosnian Zdravko lost an eye in a car accident and his hearing during the war. ... A personal documentary reflects ...
"Looking for Horses" is a film about a friendship between the filmmaker and a fisherman, who lost his hearing during the Bosnian civil war and retreated to a lake to live in solitude. The filmmaker, son of Bosnian parents, struggles to communicate as he lost his mother-tongue due to a heavy stutter. Despite their speech and hearing limitations, a bond develops between the young man and the veteran, as he shares his world of the lake: full of large catfish, wild horses, wide silences, and dangerous thunderstorms. Where for the fisherman the lake stands for a withdrawal from a fractured country, a land of war; for the filmmaker it precisely means the return to that broken place, the land of his parents. They look for ways to communicate, while the camera mediates their growing bond. Taking the shape of a gentle western, "Looking for Horses" is a poetic documentary on trauma, survival, and connection.